This page profiles CDT events and other opportunities donor families have to remember and memorialize their donor.
Many families find it powerful to share the story of their loved one's life and legacy. At CDT, we invite families to write a "Gift of Life Story" which will be posted on our website and utilized to educate and inspire others. To learn more or submit a story today, please click below.
A unique way to remember and celebrate your loved one's life and legacy is through submitting a quilt square to be presented on a CDT Celebration of Life Quilt. The quilts are utilized in community education activities all throughout the Northeast. Over the past 15 years, each patch has surely inspired thousands to register as a donor and give the gift of life. To request a brochure with additional information, please click below.
CDT invites donor families to fly or display the donate life flag in their community as a visible symbol of their loved one's heroic donation. To request a complimentary Donate Life flag and get ideas for display, please click below.
CDT is available to help families who wish to hold an event or pursue a special initiative to honor their loved one and raise public awareness. Examples include holding a fundraising event (ex: bowling, softball, golf, community dinner), establishing a scholarship, etc. For families interested in fundraising, we recommend meeting with a CDT representative to discuss options.
Each year, hundreds of donor family members from across the Northeast come together to walk or run in memory of their loved one. Please click below to learn more.